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Levitate Exoskeletons

Levitate Exoskeleton

Levitate Technologies works tirelessly to develop solutions that improve life for workers, and improve the bottom line for companies. The AIRFRAME® is successfully reducing stress and fatigue for skilled workers at major manufacturers around the world, including BMW, John Deere and Toyota. The early results suggest that the AIRFRAME® is poised to lead a sea of change in the way health and safety are managed in the workplace.

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Levitate Airframe Flex

Levitate Airframe Flex protecting a warehouse person

Levitate Airframe Flex

Comfortable, lightweight, and versatile exoskeleton technology engineered to reduce risks of shoulder MSD injury while improving productivity and quality in demanding overhead or elevated work tasks.

lightweight, breathable and flexible upper body exoskeleton with integrated lumbar support

excellent range of motion and support to assist operators across all elevated work activities

Ease of Use:
adjustable to fit and intuitive to use, right out of the box

enabling perfect fir for most workers and body types, suited for any manufacturing or construction environment

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